The Saint Peter Poems
This is a creation from my original scrapbook, Stellar: Life's Great Journey. Here is a double poem about strength and perseverance, magnificence, truth and beauty. Here goes:
We dreamt of glorious ambitions,
We journeyed to defend loyalty,
Great journeys indeed.
God want us to be loyal to Him,
To build good virtues,
That makes us,
His creation,
A great advantage.
God, the Ruler of Heaven,
Calls us to make peace.
So we should say,
"We stand upright,
And we should not fall."
We should build our lives wonderfully,
For integrity of all nations.
For God made us
Wonderfully and fearfully.
Our lives should be beautiful, magnificent,
And graceful.
Though truth hurts,
It makes us wonderful.
For it is an elegant treasure for us to give.
When we say the truth,
Our lives will be well and fine looking,
For we call ourselves enduring heroes,
That makes us the magnificent of all.
We should be friendly and generous,
So we shine like jades and pearls,
We bloom like brilliant flowers,
We will be as fine as golden silks,
And fly swiftly like jade swallows.
Do you know why I entitled this as "The Saint Peter Poems"? It's because the topic of the poem is about the virtues showed by Saint Peter. Also, the words that are italicized are the English meanings of the Chinese names of my classmates when I was in my Third Year. Oh, those memories...