The Movie Legion
The latest apocalyptic-thriller film this 2010, Legion , features a "fallen angel" named Michael (played by Paul Bettany), who "turned himself against God" to "fight the 'forces of evil' that envelope the world", "fulfiling prophecy". A synopsis of the film is already a full plate: after God "loses faith" in humanity and decides to send his angels away, a group of people isolated in a restaurant-trailer is protected from the apocalypse happening outside by the "always-benevolent"archangel Michael, who comes to help the group and the waitress at the restaurant, pregnant with the new Messiah [Anti-Christ, anyone?]. Due to its supposed "apocalyptic" plot, many have expected thrilling special effects, like the grandma-turned-bloodthirsty-monster scenes, "demonic forces" flying in the air, and the like. However, despite its stunning effects and sturdy cast, the film received negative reviews, to qu...