Hello readers! Another ASL Q&A question from a reader named Lencius Medina Jr. : I am a one-year old christian but biologically, i am 47 year old. i am an engineer by profession but am currently busy in my walk with Christ. Would you by chance be able to share with me the open-source pdf format of Pastor Noel Akuino Jr Pagsangkap? Is it possible to have it both in English and Cebuano version? Thank you and God bless you. Thank you, Mr. Medina for asking me this question: The Cebuano version of Pagsangkap (officially published as a book) is not yet available for release since I have to get permission from Pastor Alkuino for me to produce the PDF version. I could only give you the English version since it is not yet published officially. Attached to my e-mail reply to you is a copy of "Pagsangkap" ("Equipping the Saints" is its official English title when it will be released as a book) in PDF format. I hope that he would share these wonderful lessons with...
I dared to ask this question in my mind: “Will I be a person who will be remembered a lot here in UP?” To that, Rumi “answers” through a line of one of his poems: “Fall into his hands and you will weep like a cloud; Run from him and you will freeze over like snow.” While pondering upon Rumi's “answer”, I thought if I became too proud of myself lately. I became too selfish and self-centered. I did not care if I ruined the pride of my family, my friends – my whole circle of life. I began to catch a realization that the pronoun him refers to my God. I ran away from God and turned to my own way of showing myself that I am a student of UP, without recognizing my relationship to him. These days I feel so cold about my relationship to God, to my family and friends. I feel so empty inside that I am not really enjoying my growth as a person and as a part of the society. The Word of God says that when we draw near to him, fall into his hands, then we will weep in our sorrows while we...
Dear guys, I'm back, live at ILC-UP Min. To inform you, the computer fees here are added to my accountables in the next semester. But I can try to pay the fees I have week in advance. (University policy) :-) I am currently checking my accounts. There were invites in my Friendster, Multiply, and MyBlogLog, comments in this blog, et cetera. I am also finding the things about Balance and Speed in Physical Fitness, and exercises and/or fitness tests regaing Balance and Speed, for our report in PE 1, but I can't find it on Google. I will be researching in later time for my SSP & MST subjects. :-( Anyways, I may come back in CdSI this weekend and I could search for those PE book we have in CdSI's library, or as we call it, the Instructional Materials Center (IMC). Our bloc in ComSci has to change matriculation because we merged sections with the other bloc in the same course as we do. It was due to our former instructor, Sir Riannel Tecson, who has a subject made for him rece...