The Advancements of Graphics in Mobile Applications using J2ME

Welcome to the alternative reading of my CMSC 199 paper, "The Advancements of Graphics in Mobile Applications Using the Java Micro Edition Platform."

Here I share with you how you can enhance the power of Java to produce high-quality, rich and interactive graphics into your mobile phone, which has great applications in gaming, engineering, e-commerce and information systems. Would it be great that in the future you can hold a "virtual world" in your hand?

Java has a lot to offer via its newly developed (and still developing) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that uses the same constructs as what is on your PC. One such API is the OpenGL for Embedded Systems or OpenGL ES, a Java API based on desktop OpenGL that features high-quality 3D graphics for use such as mobile gaming.

However, many issues still remain in developing mobile graphics. One, the limitations of most mobile devices such as battery capacity, memory and display resolution hamper the performance of these programs. How do the API developers and researchers tend to cope up with this limitations? You will discover it through the full article.

Here are some of the sources I used for reference to my paper presentation (in PDF):

The presentation will also demonstrate Java's sample programs for 3D and 2D graphics in mobile phones. So catch it in 13 July 2010, 5:30 PM, at CSM, UP Mindanao.

See you there!


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