In the Horoscope

Here's another Horoscope entry from MSN Astrology.

Cancer: March 2007
On March 5 you may feel the need to be more independent and self-reliant, even though you sometimes lack confidence. The Moon in Capricorn on March 13 and 14 will bring added responsibilities. The Moon in your sign on March 25 and 26 will bring a difficult time emotionally, but this may be a catalyst for positive change. Find ways to make your home life more efficient and organized on March 30 and 31. Do some research on the subject by buying a book or by searching the Internet.

Goat: March 2007
Gentle Goats go with the flow. Under the gentle influence of the Month of the Rabbit, you are quite easily influenced. There is a tendency to trust people before you truly know them. This, of course, can get you into trouble. Seek professional advice before signing any contracts. A companion's wisdom may inspire you. Your need for support may create disappointment with relatives. Curb this reaction, as you will need their involvement later. This month, parties and social situations will bring you new and exciting contacts. You can be very persuasive when it comes to getting what you want. Your need to feel secure and happy means you will do whatever it takes to make a relationship or friendship work. But don't be a fool for love. Close relationships should be affectionate and caring. The Rabbit's influence inspires creativity and all forms of artistic expression. Trust your style sense this month.

Life Path Number One: March
This month, One, enjoy good times with family and friends. Plan a party to get everyone together. You may also need a few nights out with your friends to have a good laugh. You can meet lots of new people this month who will get you inspired and keep you entertained. Life will certainly not be dull now. This is a great time to go to concerts, take in a play, learn a new dance step, or take up a new recreational activity. Romance could blossom when you least expect it, even if you've been with a partner for a long time.


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