Discr[ete] Relief
Oh, well, I'm back to what I thought was my Waterloo topic in CMSC57 last year: Recurrence Relations and Generating Functions . As I don't want to fail again to look at that definition again that linear homogenous recurrence relations of degree d with constant coefficients (whew!) are of this form: and generating functions are of this form: , I skimmed through a few in the myriads of books on Discrete Math. I'm so happy that my family gave me a chance to hold a copy of Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Kenneth Rosen, and it gave me hope in those previous topic discussed which were combinatorics and graph theory. My instructor, Prof. Vanessa Ramoran mostly uses Rosen in her discussions, which gave me some sort of relief. (Good thing the author's name is same as mine. LOL X-D) Rosen also has a preview of the topics relating to my future Computer Science courses: Logic Circuits and Boolean Algebra for CMSC130 and Automata Theory for CMSC141. I'm look...