Finding the Short Way

Short ways are not always the right ways.
It takes an algorithm
to find the path that leads you
to success.
Infinite it was,
finite I found it now.

My path starts:
zero, A;
my path ends:
x, Z.
x: the length of the short way.
Z the endpoint.
Finding it took a long way.

Think it over, quick! swiftly!
O the infinity sign,
get lost on that table!
I need the path - the short way.
Make my node permanent.
I'll trace it when I end.

Yes...A to Z.
A to Z - the path - short way.
Why it has to have a long way
for the short way to be known?
Maybe that's the way it should be;
shortcuts take a long time...long time.

Dijkstra, my dear.
I see how you did it.
Others have done their own proper way.
But nothing in theirs is short.
Never ever

(Fumbling over Dijkstra.)

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