Hello, friends! I've been studying a lot lately here in UP Mindanao and these are what I have learned from one of my major subjects, CMSC56: I have learned that "Logic" is a study of reasoning, a study of necessary truth and of systematic methods for clearly expressing & rigorously demonstrating such truths. Logical operations are modifiers, conjunctions (and), disjunctions (or), conditional (if-then, implication), bi-conditional (if and only if). ...so on and so forth... Well, I realised CMSC56 may be a headache in some sort, but it is really intellectually stimulating. Well, I wanna share some of my notes on the application of the rules of inferences in logic: e.g. You are about to leave for school and discovered you don't have your glasses. You have the following true statements: If my glasses are on the kitchen table, then I saw my glasses at breakfast. I was reading newspapers in the living room or I was reading newspapers in the kitchen. If I was reading ...