Another Week Again...

Dear friends,

It's been another great week of classes in UP Mindanao.

Upon learning that AH1 (Dimension of Identity: Understanding Ourselves through Reading and Writing) has been dissolved, I have to file a change of matriculation to this subject. Now, instead of AH1, it is now SSP1 (Philippine History), with Professor Jowel F. Canuday as the assigned faculty for this class. :-/

Here are my classes for the semester and how we started it:

MATH26: Ms. May Anne Mata is again our instructor for this subject. Since we, the ComSci batch, knew of her since MATH17, we should not have to introduced ourselves further. However, there were upper-class studes in that class, so we have to know them. There was also a 1st Year BSABE stude in this class. :-) Our first lessons were the Straight Line, the Distance Formulae, the Midpoint of A Line Segment, the Slope of A Line, and the Circle.

CMSC56: Mr. Riannel Tecson was our instructor for this subject. Now he will be with us for the whole semester (last semester, he was with me and my bloc-mates in the first day of MATH17, until we are transferred to Ma'am Mayang's (Mata) class) Our first lesson was about Logic - the statements p, q, and r, the TRUE-FALSE methodologies and the Truth Table. (Reminds me of the same lesson taught by Sir Belida in MST3.) :-)

SSP1: This is the subject I filed for as per Change of Matriculation. However, Sir Canuday is not around in UPMin until the end of December! So, we have to do extensive research he had given to us. In the first day of the class, Ma'am Reine Kathryn Taya (who is, anyways, our SSP3 professor), was the one who oriented us to this subject. She gave the assigned topics Sir Canuday had given in the course outline. I was assigned on a topic regarding the Post-Modern Philippines.

SSP3: Ms. Reine Kathryn Taya is initially our professor for this subject. However, Dr. Antonio G. Moran, the current CHSS Dean, will leave his post by December, and will be needing teaching loads. By January, Dr. Moran will be teaching this subject from this time onwards. On our first day, Ma'am Taya, gave us a chance to introduce ourselves. By the next meetings, we will be introduced on Behavioural Sciences and its similarities and differences to Social Sciences.

CMSC11: Still, Sir Riannel Tecson is our instructor for this subject. Here, we will be introduced to Computer Programming. By the following weeks, we will be having laboratory sessions and learn the basics of programming in C language. In the course outline, the first laboratory session will tackle the Basic Computer Hardware and Software, and the Disk Operating System or DOS. Since I had been proficient in DOS since childhood, it may not be a problem for me, if not for having Linux as the primary operating system here in UPMin, which follows another shell/command prompt.

MST2: For the first part, which is Geology, Ma'am Cheryl M. Talde will be our professor. On our first day, we introduced ourselves and all, and we were given an introduction to this part of MST2. From what I have learned, Geology is a science of the planet Earth and its features. Many branches has formed in Geology after linking it with other sciences, like Chemistry and Physics (which was taught in MST1. I actually chose this subject because in the old GE curriculum, MST1, once called NaSc1, is a prerequisite of NaSc2, which is now MST2. Therefore, I want to follow this old method, even though the new GE curriculum now encourages students to choose whatever GE subject they want.).

To update you on my grades for the past semester, here it is:
  • MATH17 (College Algebra and Trigonometry): 2.50
  • MST1 (Foundations of Natural Science 1): 2.00
  • MST3 (Mathematics for General Education): 3.00
  • SSP2 (Asia and the World): 2.75
  • SSP4 (Social, Political and Economic Thought): 2.25
  • AH3 (Effective Speech Communication): 2.25
  • PE1 (Foundations of Physical Fitness): (1.50)
GWA (Graded Weighted Average): 2.46

Upon this learning experience, I should do better and improve my academic performance this semester!

So, it has been another great week, friends. Check me out in the following posts for further developments in my life here in UPMin! See you!



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