REGISTERED...version 1.2

Dearie friends,

I finally endured another process of enrolment in the University of the Philippines Mindanao for the Second Semester of Academic Year 2007-2008, and again... REGISTERED.

Well, first things first. I went on to UP Min to enrol as a BS CompSci student for the Second Semester. My, my, what a looooooong process I should undertake to be REGISTERED in UP Min.

Before everything, in my last post, "A Chance to Live My Life", I was still contemplating on my decision to be in UP Min. There, on the whole span of the semestral break, I did many thoughts on what I should to to continue to be an Isko. There, me and my parents agreed upon some things with each other so I can still continue in UP Min:

  1. Never WASTE time in the Interactive Learning Center/Learning Resource Center (ILC/LRC) computer facilities again. I wasted a lot of time and energy being obsessed being Online everyday in the previous semester. When I requested how much my debts in ILC/LRC were, it reached approximately a whopping PhP 3,500.00! Whew, that's a lot of hours in ILC/LRC (not to mention printing jobs). So, I promise to them that I won't collect debts in there again. I will only go there if there are immediate typing, printing and/or e-mail jobs (since some of the professors there are fond of making "pass it by tomorrow" requirements).

  2. Seek Student Assistantships and/or part-time jobs. UP Min's OSA is now opening slots for interested freshmen applicants for Student Assistants. I have the application form and filled in, but the one missing now is my complete tally of grades last semester. During after registration, I requested for a copy of the True Copy of Grades. I will take this next week so I can pass the application. I will be seeking part-time jobs for the summer. (One condition my parents had said to me was that if I have not assigned to any office for Student Assistantship, I cannot stay in EBL Dormitory again and have to go home in Buhangnin after class.)
  3. Imprve my academic performance. I predict that my GWA (graded weighted average) is about 2.25 at most. So, I have to improve myself this time. I know it will be difficult, but I will strive for it.

OK. For the last 3 days, I endured a long process, that is, signing of clearances, enlisting of subjects, and filling up and signing of forms. Here's what I mean:

Day 1 (11-05-2007):

As I arrived in UP Min, many people have filed in the clearance centers:

  • For Office of Student Affairs: CHSS Room 102
  • For Library: CHSS Library
  • For ILC/LRC: ILC Building, clearance to be signed at Cash Office
  • For USC: USC Booths on Colleges
  • For ITO: CSM Computer Laboratory

I became too confused on the process on registering since lines for signing of clearances (especially in OSA) were toooooo looooong (tulong!) , so I just went home by the afternoon. :-(

Day 2 (11-06-2007):

Now, I became more organized. Now I went back to UP Min very early to sign my clearances. In great hope, I signed all my clearances smoothly but surely (even in the long line).

Then, I got my Form5a (Pre-Registration Form) to enlist my subjects. It was quite a complicated process indeed. Since I'm a BSCS stude, my majors (CMSC11, CMSC56 and MATH26) were'nt a problem.

In my last post, I want to cancel my pre-registered MST4/STS so I can sign for MST2/NASC2. Luckily, there was one slot left for one section of MST2. So I did cancel MST4 and went on to MST2. The problem now was, I have to sacrifice PE2 for this semester. So I canceled my pre-registered PE2-CH (Chess) subject for this semester. Now, I don't have any PE subjects for this semester. My options to satisfy my PE units (we must satisfy (8) units of PE) are:

  • Take 2 PE subject next semester. (In my 2nd Year)
  • Take the regular landscape of subjects next year, i.e., 1 PE class for each semester, and take a PE class in the 1st semester in my 3rd Year.
  • Take a PE subject in Summer and take the regular landscape of subjects for the following years.

Anyways, the enlisted my CHSS GE subjects, SSP3 and AH1.

Now, here is list of subjects for the incoming semester as written in my Form 5 (Registration Form):

  • CMSC11 lec/lab (Intrduction to Computer Science)
  • CMSC56 (Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1)
  • MATH26 (Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1)
  • MST2/NASC2 (Foundations of Natural Science 2)
  • SSP3/SOSC1 (Foundations of Behavioral Science)
  • AH1/COMM1 (Dimensions of Identity: Understanding Ourselves through Reading and Writing)

However, as I finish my Form 5 and went to the Cash Office to pay my fees, it was nearing 5 p.m. (UP Min Administration Offices close at 5 p.m.) About 10 people were left of us in the line, but as the clock struck 5, the cashiers had made their "curtain call" and said, "Tommorow na lang kayo magbabayad, ha." So, I left and went home disappointed. :-(

Day 3 (11-07-2007):

I then went to the Cash Office to pay my academic fees. (Before that, I went to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) to certify my STFAP privilege.) Then, I went back to CSM to submit the Form 5 and get my classcards. I felt relieved.

Then I went back to OSA to apply for Student Assistantship. I was about to fill all of them until I see a portion that I should fill in my grades last sem. So I went back to CSM to request a True Copy of Grades. It will be out next week.

By the afternoon, I went to the Office of the University Registrar to validate my ID Card. Then I went home. :-)

Well, that about it. This Tuesday, November 13, 2007, will be the start of another life in UP Mindanao. Wish me luck!



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