In the Horoscope
Dear friends,
It's November again...
Cancer (
Dear Kenneth,
As winter and the joy-filled, though often hectic, holiday season draws near, we should prepare to put our best karmic foot forward. After all, it's never too early to begin making strides toward New Year’s resolution success!
All new Moons represent beginnings, and when the Moon moves in to passionate Scorpio on November 8, it's time to give your desires and emotions full expression. Invest time and energy -- and perhaps even finances -- into something you care about and want to nurture and grow. Letting go of past hang-ups or self-defeating notions will help move you forward.
Hold everything on November 15, though, when Mars turns retrograde. Delays will occur, but not to worry! Mercury's sextile on November 16 will helps you make smart decisions and regain any lost ground.
It's November again...
Cancer (
Dear Kenneth,
As winter and the joy-filled, though often hectic, holiday season draws near, we should prepare to put our best karmic foot forward. After all, it's never too early to begin making strides toward New Year’s resolution success!
All new Moons represent beginnings, and when the Moon moves in to passionate Scorpio on November 8, it's time to give your desires and emotions full expression. Invest time and energy -- and perhaps even finances -- into something you care about and want to nurture and grow. Letting go of past hang-ups or self-defeating notions will help move you forward.
Hold everything on November 15, though, when Mars turns retrograde. Delays will occur, but not to worry! Mercury's sextile on November 16 will helps you make smart decisions and regain any lost ground.