What's New for ASL

Hi guys! As I am shifting into the newest version of ASL - ASL 3.0, let me show you my new logo I made through GIMP.

Black looks beautiful, ika nga. So, I made my newest logo for ASL in Black and White, with the font DejaVu Sans Ultra-Light. Simple and discreet, yet bold and masculine in a sense. This logo is part of my project I call...

Project CLEAR:
 Christian Life Experiences Amplified and Redefined.

As I am shifting to just a life blog to a LIFE blog (pun intended), I still keep ASL's motto of SHINE (Share Happy, Inspirational, and Noteworthy Experiences), but now I add CLEAR to it. That means, ASL's new motto is...

Share Happy, Inspirational and Noteworthy Experiences - Christian Life Experiences Amplified and Redefined.

I am intending to have my blog's layout like those from pYzam.com and pimp-my-profile.com which uses alpha-blending in their layouts. I want a blog that is not very cluttered or uses complicated codings (I'm not yet good in CSS). I want, too, to have my own customized layout that's totally me (with a customized domain, too!) :-)

As I am about to venture into my new things I plan to put in ASL, I am just wanting to recieve suggestions from people who are also yet budding in blogging.

All for the Glory of God.


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