
Showing posts from 2013

It's About Time

Hello, friends! It's been about a good 5 months since I took a step further and won over my doubts. I constantly prayed that I would graduate from UP Mindanao, when at those times I wasn't deserving to graduate because I was doing nothing for my Special Problem and a major subject I did not complete. I was on the verge of failure. My father kept on doubting about me. He told me that it would be better if I went on work even if I haven't graduated. But my mother and my two siblings held on to the promise that I can do these things. On that time, I found out that I still am a child of God, and I can ask the Heavenly Father to guide me through the challenge. I sought the help of a few friends to pray for me as I went through those tough times. And through His Word on Psalm 13 , I hoped that this challenge will come to pass. And it did come true. I finally graduated on April 19, 2013. Not only that, my Special Problem was a finalist for the Best Special Problem c...

Will Be Blogging More Soon

It's been very long since I last sent my last blog entry on either of my blogs. I've been busy with my work and I can't find the time to access my blogs anymore. But rest assured that in a few weeks' time I will return to blogging on a regular basis so that I can also clean up my blog to a new look. Cheers and God bless! -- *Kenneth Bernejay H. Porio* 2007-24069 BS Computer Science University of the Philippines Mindanao

A Mundane Birthday

It's almost a month already since I started work, and I just realized today is my 22nd birthday . As of today, I'm working on editing 20 articles and write 2 e-mail blasts. I've tirelessly done writing numerous articles, that I already lose count of them. Indeed, my grammar and writing skills are put to a rigorous test right now. But it's indeed interesting for me. My boss has encouraged me to continue with my programming skills as he plans for me to administer web pages. My knowledge in web development (PHP, MySQL, Javascript, server administration) which I got from school is becoming to bear fruit. I've been truly happy with all the developments right now. Now that I've turned 22, I've wondered why a few people have greeted me over on Facebook or Twitter. Is it because I've left in the spotlight, or I've become too busy with myself that I don't have time to do much social media these days. I'm writing this blog during our lunch ...

New Chapter

It's been almost two months since I graduated from University. Right now, I am under training for a new job. Yes, I'm on my way to full employment to a new job! I'm starting small, in a small office in Matina. It's a small online affiliate marketing company that specializes in content writing. So, it's basically a BPO (business process outsourcing) company for online content. Yeah, when I heard of the term BPO, I would automatically imagine the work that will have you wear a headset, talk to someone on the line in a specified accent, type on the computer in front, and bear the attitude of the one who's on the other line. But this is something different, so I would want to check it out. Right now, I am starting to write a few articles. The topics assigned to me so far were quite interesting yet confusing. One group of topics were about home improvement in some city in Massachusetts. I had to gather the directory listings of home improvement contractors in t...

On Mobile

Hello guys! Long time no post. I've frequented my Wordpress blog often because it has provided a native mobile interface that is compatible with Opera Mini. Now that I've got a smartphone with me, I can now post on this blog via the Blogger app. Don't miss my upcoming posts telling you about my life as a fresh graduate. Cheers! -- *Kenneth Bernejay H. Porio* 2007-24069 BS Computer Science University of the Philippines Mindanao

Encouraging Word to the Graduate

Source: Himati It's exactly 12 days before I do my march to graduation. As that day draws near, I desire for words that will instill hope and faith in my heart as I celebrate this victory and prepare for the challenges that would come my way. I came across a website that provided this passage that would encourage a graduate to prepare for the days to come: A Great Verse to use as a “Charge” to the Graduate: “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make...

On the Verge of A Farewell

Nature greets you well in UPMin. Hello everyone! It's less than a month to go before I leave the University of the Philippines Mindanao, my second home for about 6 years. All the years I had in this institution in the boondocks of Mintal, Davao City will never be forgotten. In the last few times I visit the beautiful landscapes of UP Mindanao, all the memories I had in this University had been kept in my mind. I can remember the first day I stepped in this school - an occular inspection done by my high school. It felt awkward to me at first to see this University that is so far from downtown Davao, far from the hustle and bustle of the metro, where all you see is green, green and green. But as I get myself acquainted to this place, I felt that this place was a safe haven - a save haven for me to concentrate on what's the best for me. The manuscript signals the end. Studying in UPMin was a roller-coaster ride, a journey to greatness, a trek to an exciting place, a ...

Iskolar ng Bayan pa ba sila?

Source: Kristel Tejada , a freshman Behavioral Science student of the University of the Philippines Manila, took her life on March 15, Friday due to "no late payment" policy imposed by the university since last year. She's just another victim of UP's current repressive policies. Isn't it ironic how one of the potential bright minds in the country can't continue her education in this University just because her family could not financially sustain her education? Back when I entered the University, as one of the first batch of students who will be affected by TOFI (Tuition and Other Fee Increases) and the revised STFAP, the parents of my fellow students immediately felt the additional burden they had to carry with the higher tuition fee. Protests from militants were everywhere, chanting " Tuition fee increase na naman?! Salot talaga, salot, kasalut-salutan! " and "'Wag kaming lokohin , kami ay pag-aralin! " Now t...

Almost There

I'm almost there. I'm looking forward to wear that graduation suit and finish my college life in flying colours. All the hard work I endured will pay off. It's a great dream coming true. Maybe it's just the beginning. But who knows, this is more than what I expected to get. I give thanks to all who were there for me in this great challenge. Forever I will repay you. I'm almost there and you should come with me too. KENNETH

You Can Still Find Me on Wordpress

It's been a long time since I blogged from here. But because of my busy schedule, I can't dedicate my time for this for now. But because I'm always online from my phone, I had preferred to use my Wordpress blog to express my thoughts from there (and because my phone is able to load better than Blogger...) So, you may see me at See you there!   KENNETH

Why Filipinos Don't Prefer British-Style News Presentation (Part 1)

This is Part One of a series of  posts on how Filipinos do not prefer British-style news presentation. The BBC News brand so recognized all over the world. Since CNN International was busted out from our TV subscription, I didn't have any time to watch live international news on TV. I've long since resorted to podcasting through my music player or watching video clips from my laptop. After a few months after I was unable to watch CNN, I then resorted to the next accessible international news channel we have in our area, BBC World News . Since those days, I've had to endure hearing newsreaders present the news in an accent many Filipinos aren't conformed with, that is, the standard British accent, specifically Received Pronunciation variant. George Alagiah presents BBC News at Six Amercianized as we are, not many Filipinos are well-versed to the English language that is spoken throughout the European continent, and in many parts of the world where...