Back Again...

Dear friends,

It's another two days here in UP Mindanao. It's back to school again last January 3, in line with the public elementary and high schools in the country. (UP is also a public school...kuno...) I wonder why this "hang-over" during the long Christmas season got unto us Filipinos every after the end. (And Epiphany or the so-called "Three Kings", the official end of the long Christmas season here, is yet to be this Sunday, January 6!) Most of the kids didn't attend school that day, maybe not of this case in UPMin... (*sigh*)

Anyway, this is what happened during the first 3-1/2 days of the New Year:
  • We went to Panabo and Carmen, our parents' home towns to pay a visit to our relatives - our grandparents, our uncles and aunts and our cousins. (I missed them so much.) We had a salu-salo, talked to our cousins and had fun making a home video of us in with my paternal grandparents. :-)
  • My paternal uncle , his wife and one of my cousins (who were with us in Panabo) slept over our house in preparation of their flight to Cebu, where they work now. They also taught us on how to make sushi, which they made during our salu-salo. (Yum, yum!) :-d
  • I went back to UP Min only to know that our CMSC subjects have no meetings for that 2 days... :-/
  • On our MATH26, we were introduced to the best source of beginning "epistaxis" ("nosebleed") when learning Calculus...LIMITS!!! lol X-D
  • Prof. Jose Jowel Canuday finally had our first SSP1/HIST1 meeting with us today. What I heard about him from other people, was quite wrong. His teaching style made me more excited to learn Philippine History. His approach to us made me think that he isn't bad after all. Maybe SSP2/HIST2 (Asia and the World) with Sir Val Clamonte was quite monotonous (no offense to him), but that experience last sem make me think of more creative ideas here in SSP1...or it might be again a "Prof. Anton Siaotong-like" case? :-S
  • I'm currently in ILC/LRC, doing counter duty. :-)
Well, that's about it for this time. See you next time!




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