
Dear friends,

It's another great week in UP Mindanao. It's been quite a while since I'm out in the blogosphere. :-)

Congratulations to our Listers in UP Mindanao from Colegio de San Ignacio in the First Semester, AY 2007-2008:

Honor Roll
(Name, Course, GWA (Graded Weighted Average))

Jade Hazel Divino Gamas - BA Communication Arts - 1.92
Edmund Dableo Gemelo, Jr. - BS Applied Mathematics - 1.94

Again, congratulations, Iskolars-slash-Ignatians! :-D

You don't want to believe this, but we have found one passer (as of today) in the 2008 University of the Philippines College Admission Test or UPCAT from CDSI. :-( She holds the student number: 2008-57484, and she qualified for the BA Communication Arts program of the Mindanao campus. She is...


I hope she could confirm her enrollment this year. I hope she could. CONGRATULATIONS, though. ;-)

So, this is all for now, folks.



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