Rumi and Me
I dared to ask this question in my mind: “Will I be a person who will be remembered a lot here in UP?” To that, Rumi “answers” through a line of one of his poems: “Fall into his hands and you will weep like a cloud; Run from him and you will freeze over like snow.” While pondering upon Rumi's “answer”, I thought if I became too proud of myself lately. I became too selfish and self-centered. I did not care if I ruined the pride of my family, my friends – my whole circle of life. I began to catch a realization that the pronoun him refers to my God. I ran away from God and turned to my own way of showing myself that I am a student of UP, without recognizing my relationship to him. These days I feel so cold about my relationship to God, to my family and friends. I feel so empty inside that I am not really enjoying my growth as a person and as a part of the society. The Word of God says that when we draw near to him, fall into his hands, then we will weep in our sorrows while we...