Renewal of Contract: The 2008 Internet Resolutions

I, Kenneth Bernejay Hermosilla Porio, shall re-establish this list of resolutions that had benn taken action effective January 1, 2007. This contains resolutions that is connected to my connection to the Internet.

I shall still control the time I visit Internet cafés, and, in my case in the University of the Philippines - Mindanao, the Computing Facilities, namely, the Interactive Learning Center and the I.T. Kiosk, so as to save money for other needs. However, if there is any reason to check any Web service (i.e. E-mail, Friendster, Blogger, etc.) for personal or academic purposes, I shall make sure that I can make time to visit the Internet café to access the above mentioned services.

If there is a very interesting Web service that I may join, I must decide to join, since I may be lured by the dangers of the Information Gateway, like phishers and spammers and to avoid virus infections.

If there will be harmful sites that can affect my overall personality and safety, I shall avoid it.

If there will be any beneficial commentaries or profits that will make me glad, I shall reciprocate it with gratitude.

If there will be criticisms, reply it with humility.

This resoultion is re-posted on the 30th of December, year 2007, at Gallium Communications, Diversion Road, Buhangin, Davao City, Republic of the Philippines.



Author of A Stellar Life


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