In the Horoscope: My Sample Solar Return Reading
From A solar return is the time that the Sun returns to the exact same spot on the day and time that you were born. That is, on your Birth Day & Time! The Sun In The Solar Return Chart Sun Aspects Saturn Sun-Saturn aspects in the solar return chart tend to imply a sense of structure. Whether this structure becomes supportive or restrictive is up to the individual's ability to handle Saturnian issues in a positive manner. This is not meant to be a depressing time, but it does entail stark realism. Accurate perceptions of existing situations are essential to either accepting or changing future expectations. The refusal to accept responsibility for one's own life situation or to work within obvious limitations can lead to frustration, isolation, and loneliness. Limitations are not an essential characteristic of Saturnian aspects, but denote a need to be more realistic and patient. Changes are slow and involve careful planning, hard work, and discipline. ...