My Seventeenth, My Stellar Life: Part 2

This is a continuation of the My Seventeenth, My Stellar Life special.

What present should I receive on my Birthday?

I don't know. I don't want to know. I love surprises, though.

Birthday Blessings
Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings,
As your birthday nears.

Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.

Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.

Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
"Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!"

By Joanna Fuchs


What blessings that I should have this year?

This is a tag from Kuya Albert: (even when I'm not tagged...)

Share 10 things that your readers don’t know about you.
then at the end, you tag 10 other bloggers to keep the fun going.


  • each blogger must post these rules first.
  • each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
  • bloggers who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
  • at the end of your blog, you need to choose 10 people to get tagged and list their names.
  • don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Since it's the Birthday Special here at ASL, and many people around me are curious about me and my life, I want to share to you more about me you may not know:

  1. Where did my name, Kenneth Bernejay, come from? During that period of the early 90's, basketball fanatics in the PBA (Philippine Basketball Association) have idols in different leagues. My dad and my mom had a favourite: Kenneth Duremdes, who was in the Alaska team then. Here applies my first name. How about "Bernejay"? It's a portmanteau (combination of certain words) of my father's and my mother's name: Berne stands for "Bernecito", my father's first name; jay stands for "Jessica", my mom's name.
  2. I learned to use the PC when I was just two and a half years old. My father used to work in a computer shop and used to work as a computer technician in a food company. (He graduated with a BS ECE (Electronics and Communications Engineering) degree). At home, my father who used to stay at home during weekends after he had business trips, he would let me show how to work with software using DOS and eventually with Windows, from 3.1 to 95 to 98. I gained knowledge in how to type certain syntaxes in DOS even as a toddler.
  3. I used to love to play classic/legacy games. Digdug, Tetris, PONG, PacMan, Super Mario Bros., name it, I played those games, but when DOS still dominated PCs, not when Windows appeared. I appreciate those legacy games, even when they evolved into colourfully graphical games. I used to play Starcraft, Half-Life, and Counter-Strike, but I only played them rarely because it may be too addicting.
  4. I was trained to touch-type in my younger days. Because of my training in elementary and high school Computer classes, where we do Mario Teaches Typing and Mavis Beacon, I soon was trained to touch-type, to position my hands with the keys on the keyboard, to manage typing errors. My typing speed gained as well. Not bad for a blogger like me.
  5. I used to be thin in my younger days. Before I reached Grade 4, I was so wee and so thin because I was picky on mealtime. But when I reached my Fourth Grade, I learned to love to eat veggies and all the foodstuff I could imagine... I became chubby till High School. I then lost weight when I'm in college. Maybe the genes of my dad's family contributed to this manner. :-/
  6. My favourite song is The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston. It became my favourite song when my family were fond of doing karaoke. I used to sing this song whenever I was told perform on classroom and family activities back then. I didn't even know the real message of that song when I was a kid. But now I understand. I even thought if a rock band could revive this song into a more youthful, upbeat arrangement.
    I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way...
  7. I am fond of British English. When I take notes or posting a blog post, I like to do the British way of spelling (i.e. "colour" for "color", "centre" for "center, "haemoglbin" for "hemoglobin", etc.) and terminologies (i.e. "training shoes" for "sneakers", "lift" for "elevator", "petrol" for "gasoline", etc.), because it look a lot formal than American English, but I still do use colloquial terms when I blog, though. I love the unique accent, too (more than American or Australian).
  8. I am fond to befriend people who are not in my age. I like kids younger than me, but I mainly treat them properly that they have to grow up with what we have passed through our lives. (In UP, I now tend to be observant with most of the BSCS freshmen) I used to get along with older people, too (aside from my parents and relatives). Because of that, I am used to be mocked that I was childish and anti-social. :-/

  9. I like to doodle. I like to doodle anything, from a Cartesian plane with a "made-up" function, to shampoo labels, to Chinese characters, to caricatures, to poems, to a mathematical equation. My imagination makes my pen and paper to a "whole new level". I even make human-like (or shall I say, "humane") superheroes out of villains or large "monstrosities". I made superheroes out of Half-Life's headcrab zombies and Starcraft's Archons. (amazing!) I am still planning if I could make up a novel out of my doodles, which I already conceptualized since childhood.
  10. I am "unconventionally conventional", a "keen observer", and "seriously fun". Pardon the oxymoron. I sometimes don't just conform on what's on the board or on the paper. In the time of MATH26, even though when our class presented those theorems on differentiation and anti-differentiation, I studied the proofs of those theorems so I won't be left behind. That's even though I'm not into Applied Math. One thing that I excelled on Chinese back in high school is that I studied beyond the notes, I look on Chinese references such as the Chinese Dictionary. I not that unconventional, because I still stick with the usual ways of living as a Dabawenyo - simple but fast-paced. I put the fun in everything I do, because Boredom wastes time.

tagging: kim, lyle, april, crissy, hazel, john, chechay, gagay, ron-ron, al-ray

This is my Seventeenth, my Stellar Life.



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