School is Back...Back to School! (Part 2)

This is the continuation of the School is Back...Back to School (Part 1).

The Fresh New Look of the UP Min Admin Building

After several months of tiling here, repairing there and painting everywhere, the new façade of the UP Mindanao Administration Building. From the dull-looking, grayish-and-rustic looking edifice that looks like a deserted factory, the Admin Building now really is a decent building for a constituent of the prestigious National University.

I may be happy and glad that the UP Administrators had put up with this beautification of the campus. I wonder if they will do quick wonders to the Kanluran (CSM) Building in the future, too.

Classes, Schedules and Teachers

With a schedule that now includes Mondays... I can't believe if I'll be under enormous stress or not...

Here is the list of what we have started for this semester:

CMSC21 Lec: Sir Tecson gave us an overview on Programming Languages, and a quick review Variables and Data Types that we have learned in CMSC11.

CMSC21 Lab: Ma'am Van introduced us with "Examination On-Line", a on-line examination system for our use in our laboratory exercises.

CMSC57: Ma'am Van gave us our first assignment: "Why do we have to learn Discrete Mathematics?". Our class scoured the library for definite answers, but in my part, I just integrated what I have listened into from CMSC56 and with what may cover up on the subjects requiring CMSC57. Then, on the next meeting, we were taught on some fundamental counting principles.

MATH27: Ma'am Mabele gave a quick review on Inverse Functions and then taught us on Derivatives of these certain functions.

STAT1 Lec & Lab: Ma'am Metch gave us an introduction to Statistics; further information will be taught on the next meeting.

MST6: Prof. Obsioma shared some insights and a introduction to the GE course we are taking at. On this section, we share with the First Year BS ABE students.

PE2 BT: Ma'am Rosil Baldo just gave us an assignment on providing ourselves the general information on Badminton.

PHYS3 Lec: Ma'am John Paulette introduced us on Physical Quantities, Unit Conversion and Vector Addition. She did gave us an assignment: solving a certain vector addition problem. (Better review my High School Physics notes!)

What a week it was...

Watch out for more posts on this first month of my Sophomore year.

Catch my Birthday posts, too!


(photo from


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