Friendly Indeed

You Are a Great Listener

You are the perfect person to talk to.

You are patient, empathetic, and encouraging.

You provide subtle, but important, feedback.

You let people say everything that needs to be said before you weigh in.

You Are Somewhat Closer to Your Friends

Your family is there for you at times, but you really rely on your friends for support.

Your friends understand you, accept you, and love you in a way your family doesn't.

Your friends are also incredibly fun to be around. Your friendships are your most satisfying relationships.

In fact, you're so close to your friends, you may consider some of them to be honorary family members.

You Are A Good Friend

You're always willing to listen to your friends.

And you're the first to lend a shoulder to cry on.

You're there through thick and thin. You won't stop being friends with someone when times are tough.

In fact, you're such a good friend that many people consider you their "best friend"!


Passing to anyone stumbling.


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