In Random...

Dear guys,

I'm back, live at ILC-UP Min.

To inform you, the computer fees here are added to my accountables in the next semester. But I can try to pay the fees I have week in advance. (University policy) :-)

I am currently checking my accounts. There were invites in my Friendster, Multiply, and MyBlogLog, comments in this blog, et cetera.

I am also finding the things about Balance and Speed in Physical Fitness, and exercises and/or fitness tests regaing Balance and Speed, for our report in PE 1, but I can't find it on Google. I will be researching in later time for my SSP & MST subjects. :-( Anyways, I may come back in CdSI this weekend and I could search for those PE book we have in CdSI's library, or as we call it, the Instructional Materials Center (IMC).

Our bloc in ComSci has to change matriculation because we merged sections with the other bloc in the same course as we do. It was due to our former instructor, Sir Riannel Tecson, who has a subject made for him recently, and he may be overloaded if he has to teach MATH 17. :-( Our new instructor is Ma'am Mae Ann Mata. We still have to adjust to her teaching style. But with our recent quizzes having passing marks, there are no problems whatsoever to her - yet.

Our recent subjects we have are all having photocopies to read. I am still adjusting to read loooooong readings. :-/

I'm experiencing that rush to be diligent. I must use it wisely. This is TRUE school life.



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