In the Horoscope

Hey, it's August, and another forecast hits here!


With the Moon in Aries on August 2 and 3, and for the rest of the month, other people in your life will cause frustration. They'll be full of energy and will end up pushing you too hard. Don't act before you're ready if you don't feel like it. All month you'll have some great ideas but will be unsure of where to go with them. When the Moon moves to Taurus on the weekend of August 4 and 5 you'll feel more secure. Be ready for a pleasant surprise on August 9 and 10. At that time be poised to move on opportunities when you see them. Don't wait for things to happen. Someone may try to manipulate you by turning on the charm on August 16. You'll be passionate about a project on August 19. By August 23 your work ethic will be strong and you'll have a practical approach with everything you're involved in. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on August 28 will bring out your emotional side. It will be difficult to maintain control at that time. Be ready to put the past behind you and move in a new direction. You'll have to be honest with yourself first, though, and face the facts without denial or fear. At the end of the month you'll be restless and in need of a change. You won't know where to start and will have to think about things in depth first.


The month of the Monkey can make you more confident. Mix natural charm with creative projects. Community events or volunteer activities are especially favored. You can shine. It's time to be optimistic and share your interests. This is a wonderful month to build your network of contacts, both social and in business. Guard against things that are making you feel insecure. Monkey energy can improve your health. An active lifestyle will help you become more confident. Positive expectations can bring you the results you desire. Believe you have what it takes to go out and attract what you want. The New Moon on August 12 is fortunate for assessing a relationship. Misunderstanding and estrangement are possible if you're not very honest and direct about your feelings. You don't have to be perfect to be accepted. The Full Moon on August 28 is ideal for time off or a travel holiday.


This month, One, you may have the chance to travel on business and be surprised by unexpected opportunities. Your career will be the focus now. Take the lead on projects and highlight your management and organizational skills. You can make your own luck by being in the right place at the right time. Don't hesitate to promote yourself and make sure that others are aware of your talents. Be proud of your achievements and showcase them. You will also act as a mentor to others who recognize your wisdom and experience and look up to your leadership ability.

A time for wisdom to take action. A time to focus on great projects. A time to share. A time to make my own stand.



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